When you think about supporting your favorite charity, do you only think of “out-of-pocket” cash as the donation? There are a number of other ways to help Oasis:
IRA Distributions as Charitable Contributions
Congress now allows your required minimum distribution (RMD) from your IRA to be considered a charitable contribution if it is paid directly to the organization. In order to qualify you must be over age 70.5 and the distribution must be made out to an IRS recognized non-profit charity, such as The Oasis Animal Sanctuary. The maximum amount of the donation is $105,000. This transaction is a WIN/WIN/WIN situation. The IRA holder satisfies the annual required minimum distribution (RMD); the distribution is a NON –TAXABLE transaction; and a charity gets a much –needed donation.
Corporate Matching Gifts
Your employer may have programs where they match your contribution or donate money based on the number of hours you volunteer. Obtain program information from your Public Relations or Human Resources department and follow their instructions.
TD Bank Customers
If you are a customer of TD Bank, contact your local branch and ask them to support The Oasis Animal Sanctuary through their “Affinity” Corporate giving program. TD Bank, via their Affinity Program, annually donates a percentage of their corporate profits to charitable organizations based on 1) the number of their customers that select a particular charity and 2) those customers' monthly account balances.
In 2023, TD Bank donated $4,278 to Oasis through this program. Please join the Affinity Program today to let TD Bank continue to support The Oasis Animal Sanctuary. There is no cost to you, as all donations come strictly from the Bank’s annual net income.
Please call a customer service representative at you local branch of TD Bank at 1-888-751-9000 and sign up today. It takes less than 5 minutes to sign up.
Not all branches are aware of this Program. If you experience a representative unaware of their Affinity Program, please call Oasis at 856-284-6311 and we will put you in contact with someone that will get you signed up.
Charitable Remainder Trusts
Please contact your banker or attorney to learn about these investment vehicles that can benefit both you and your favorite charity.
Appreciated Stock
In general, taxpayers are allowed a tax deduction of the fair market value of the stock on the date of the gift, instead of your cost basis. This is not considered a capital gain.
For those of you thinking of donating a portion of your estate to Oasis, please be sure to include our registered name (“The Oasis Animal Sanctuary, Inc.”), our Federal Tax ID number (22-3810323), and our address which is 698 Central Avenue, Franklinville, NJ 08322. Since there are a number of animal welfare organizations with somewhat similar names, this will ensure your exact wishes are carried out.
Sample Bequest Language:
"I give to Oasis Animal Sanctuary, Inc., (22-3810323) a New Jersey corporation with its office at 698 Central Avenue, Franklinville, NJ 08322, (the sum of $ ___ ) (all or ___ percent of my residual estate) to be used for its general purposes."
Non-cash Items and Services​​
Oasis can always use new animal and office supplies, gift cards to purchase the same, copy and print services and items for re-sale. Click here to learn more.
Volunteer Your Time and Talent
While Oasis is a New Jersey non-profit organization, it was still set up as a New Jersey Corporation and has functions similar to a for-profit company. In addition to animal care, there are bookkeeping and accounting duties, enormous record keeping requirements, advertising and marketing needs, fundraising coordination (including grant writing and event planning), and general office help & cleaning that are all necessary in running an efficient and successful business. Click here to learn more about volunteering at Oasis.
Please contact your Tax Advisor or Financial Planner for advice on how these charitable transactions affect your financial situation; perhaps they have other suggestions that are mutually beneficial for both you and the organization. Please understand that Oasis cannot give tax advice.